
Energy label from € 289.00

Are you renting out one or more houses and do you not yet have an energy label? An energy label is officially required when renting out or selling a house and is also important for the points. Especially if you have a small house that, without the points you get for an energy label, cannot be rented out in the free sector. So please make sure that you have an energy label before you start a new lease.

Number of listings of rental properties in Amsterdam suddenly decreases

Before Covid-19 broke out, the total number of listings in Amsterdam averaged about 1850 rental homes. Then came Covid-19: the expats stayed away, causing much of the demand to fall away. Tourists also stayed away, causing many AirBnB properties to enter ‘the regular rental market’ as well. As a result, the supply of rental properties in Amsterdam rose to an average of about 2,650 houses. Almost half more than normal. This also had an impact on rental prices, as there was little demand and a lot of supply. Rents fell by about 10-15%.

Your property investment in box 1 or box 3?

When you rent out your house(s) you obviously want to achieve the highest possible return. However contradictory that may sound, for tax reasons it can be better to choose to outsource both the rental and the management to a professional. Especially if you have little other income. 

Update: Change in point system takes longer

In February 2021 we wrote that a change in the point system is coming. The points system roughly consists of 3 parts that together make up the majority of the points; a)the size of the house, b)the energy label and c)the WOZ value.

After a self-residence obligation for new construction, Amsterdam now also wants to introduce a self-residence obligation for existing homes

As of July 1, 2021, the self-living obligation for new construction in Amsterdam is in effect. If it is up to the Amsterdam city council, this self-residence obligation will also apply to existing homes bought after January 1, 2022!

Current status of rental market during Covid-19

We have now been dealing with Covid-19 for over 16 months. We receive many questions from landlords and investors about the state of the rental market.
Unlike the owner-occupied market, which is now completely unhinged, the rental market is definitely suffering from Covid-19. Especially in the big cities where normally many expats live. After all, due to travel restrictions, expats were not allowed or did not want to come to the Netherlands.

The senate blocks wider possibilities for temporary rental agreements (Model B)

On 13-4-2021 we wrote about a bill regarding the widening of the current temporary rental agreements for up to 2 years (Model B). It would then become possible to extend the maximum rental period of 2 years one more time.

Do you currently rent out a small house (< ca. 65 m2) in the free sector? Make sure you have an Energylabel.

An energy label has been mandatory for a long time when renting or selling homes. You even risk a fine if you rent out or sell without an energylabel. Despite this, many landlords do not yet have an energy label for their home (s). Officially, it will no longer even be allowed to advertise if there is NO definitive energy label present.

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Do you rent out homes or do you want to invest in real estate? The rental market and the rules and legislation are constantly changing.
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