Energy label from € 289.00

Are you renting out one or more houses and do you not yet have an energylabel? An energylabel is officially required when renting out or selling a house and is also important for the points that determine if you can rent out in the free sector. Especially if you have a small house that, without the points you get for an energy label, CANNOT be rented out in the free sector. So please make sure that you have an energylabel before you start a new lease. We will always ask for an energylabel if you rent out via Home of Orange, but it is your own responsibility to make sure that you have an energylabel.

The extremely long waiting periods of the beginning of 2021 seem to be behind us, but due to the high demand, high prices are asked for the issue of an energylabel. According to the Dutch government, the cost of an energylabel for an apartment would be on average € 100 and for a single-family house € 190. While until the end of 2020 it could even be applied online for only € 10. However, due to the high demand from the market we now hear prices of above € 300.

We can arrange an energylabel for you (price 2022, homes up to 100 m2, for larger homes higher prices apply) for € 289.00 including VAT. Interested? Send an email to and we will arrange for a professional to visit you and issue the energy label.


Picture of MVOPro via Pixabay 

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